yesterday was monday, and as always i was watching Chuck-what an amazing show- and a commercial for the news came on that got my attention: a registered CHILD SEX OFFENDER was hired to REF a tournament for girls and boys 12's and 14-year-olds! as a member of the USTA (united states tennis association) and a junior tournament player, i was 100% creeped out! could anything be worse? well, yeah, things could be worse... but its just soooo creepy!
anyways, so this guy...i wanna call him Sr.ScaryOldGuy... so, he's hanging out with 12 and 14 year old kids all day, why didnt USTA stop this guy from being hired into this position?! well, its because they dont have background checks. no, they dont make the people who are with children all day have BACKGROUND CHECKS! in what would is this okay??
well, in a world were everyone is pink and ponies fly, and nobody is poor, and people go around giving eachother icecream
well, that isnt this world ladies and gentle men, in this world, creepy sex offenders like Sr.ScaryOldGuy shouldnt get to hang out with kids all day everyday.
but i dont want anyone to think im against the USTA, they run an amazing program for juniors like myself, but i just want to promote the awareness of what has happened, and just say that the hiring process should be changed.
and i really just want to mention this one other thing in the news that grabbed my brain and took it for a spin: The TEA Party. First of all, Palin gave the key note speech at their meeting and correct me if im wrong, but she didnt speak one word about her political plans. All i heard were digs on our president. No, im not taking sides, but in my opinion, its wrong for her to get on a stage and just dis the leader of our country left and right. she said: “This is about the people, and it’s bigger than any one king or queen of a tea party, and it’s a lot bigger than any charismatic guy with a teleprompter,” OUCH!
However, i did laugh when i saw that they had tea bag charms... i never saw donkey charms being sold, or elephant charms being sold at their meetings. overall, i find the tea party to be a big laugh, and im sorry to those that are all for it, but give me a second to point my finger in your face and laugh.
anyways, lemme know what your thinkin
I like your lumberjack laugh kid!