of course as a teenager, when i got my first bus pass, and could go anywhere, i was excited.
alas! freedom!
but now that ive been riding it to school, from school to tennis, from tennis home, and the same cycle everyday, im begining to see how seriously twisted this is. as teenagers, we see some tiny spec of freedom as amazing no matter what it means, even if it means riding in a toob for 30+ minutes a day that always happens to be sticky and smell like some kind of food from a foreign place, even though there are no indications that there is a food vender around.
anyways, i got on the bus, and of course went through those first ten seconds of being the center of a humiliating universe where everyone is looking at you and coming up with their own conclusions about you. then you stumble because the crappy driver cant press the break slowly but must insted wait till the last second and put her foot on the floor within a three second time span. so i quickly went to sit in my usual seat in the back of the bus, because nobody wants to be the ass that sits in the front and makes the old lady walk faster. And once you sit down, you arent alive to anyone anymore. theyve all moved on to the next sucker and forgotten all about the fake life they gave you (well, exept for the creepy guy thats sitting across from you, watching your every move, and you know you cant look over or he'll start to talk to you).
anyways, i sit down in the middle of the bus (my seat was taken) and i begin the ritual of watching people get on, and get off, giving people fake lives in my head and them forgetting them the second theyre out of eye-line. but today, i got to see a man that i didnt forget after he got off. i didnt forget him so much, that ive taken the time to name him, in my world, he'll always be Geoff the Trash Bag Man.
Geoff walks on the bus, holding an enormous garbage bag, wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses. he seems disoriented when he first gets on, and takes the next two blocks to pay the little box at the front of the bus. me, seeing the mysterious bag, automatically think 'trash picker' but that wasnt the case.
Geoff sits down next to another man, i called him henry and made him a store owner of come discovery-type. anyways, hengry points out that geoff's bag is leaking. now is when im fixed on him more than ever.
Geoff is looking through his bag and i couldnt be more entertained, and neither could be the rest of the people on the bus, as i noticed. so this man finds the leak, and he pulls out three beer cans that had been peirced by something else (im glad i dont know what) in his back. he then begins to panic, and im thinking its over something like clothes or a phone, or anything of value, but no. The man then proceeds to pull out three playboys and put them on his lap. he turns to 'henry' and asks him to hold his beer while he makes sure his "literature" wasnt ruined.
the bus stopped at the next bench on the side of the road, and i used the opertunity to switch seats to get a closer look. now, geoff was putting the open beer in its own bag, and henry was getting off the bus without geoff even noticing. and then geoff spent the rest of the ride holding his porn to his chest and looking out the window.
ahh, the city bus full of wonder and glory.
sadly, i must go now, (school tomorrow bright and early)but ill write soon.
thanks for reading and let me know what you think, if there is anyone out there?
hello? world? its me, sam